Waspadalah terhadap oknum yang meminta sejumlah UANG kepada pelamar kerja dengan alasan administrasi, interview, pelatihan, penggantian uang tiket/akomodasi, pendaftaran ulang, pembayaran atribut dan lainnya karena itu modus PENIPUAN loker yang sering terjadi. Harap tidak melanjutkan proses jika menemukan kejanggalan dalam melamar pekerjaan. Terima kasih.

Loker PT Freeport Indonesia

Lokerpalangka.net – PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) adalah sebuah perusahaan Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang eksplorasi, pertambangan, pemprosesan, dan pemasaran konsentrat tembaga, emas, dan perak daerah daerah dataran tinggi Tembagapura, Mimika, Papua. Freeport Indonesia merupakan bagian dari holding Badan Usaha Milik Negara di sektor pertambangan, Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID) dan sahamnya dimiliki oleh Inalum serta Freeport-McMoRan.

Visi PT Freeport Indonesia adalah menjadi perusahaan tambang kelas dunia yang menciptakan nilai-nilai unggul dan menjadi kebanggaan bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan termasuk karyawan, masyarakat, dan bangsa.

Misi PT Freeport Indonesia adalah berkomitmen untuk secara kreatif mentransformasikan sumber daya alam menjadi kesejahteraan dan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan melalui praktek-praktek pertambangan terbaik dengan memprioritaskan kesejahteraan dan ketentraman karyawan dan masyarakat, pengembangan SDM, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan hidup, serta keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.

Dikutip dari https://ptfi.co.id/id/karir, PT Freeport Indonesia saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk sejumlah posisi. Lowongan ini terbuka untuk kandidat berpengalaman dengan latar belakang pendidikan S1/S2. Bagi pelamar yang tertarik dapat mendaftarkan diri hingga tanggal 30 April 2024. Untuk detail selengkapnya simak di bawah ini.

1.Dewatering Plant – Engineer, Equipment Condition Mgt #1
[Deadline : 29 April 2024]
Qualification :

  • Bachelors degree in a Mechanical Engineering discipline with GPA 3.00
  • Have minimum of four (4) years related experience working as a Mechanical Engineer or Reliability Engineering roll.
  • Strong knowledge of various types of Equipment
  • Experience with Mechanical systems
  • Experience with Hydraulics.
  • Experience with Compressed air systems.
  • Understanding Fluid Dynamics
  • Experience working with Equipment Life Cycle
  • Experience with Fault finding and trouble shooting.
  • Experience with SAP or other CMMS
  • Strong analytical thinking, communication, leadership skills
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written.
  • Ability to understand and apply verbal and written work and safety-related instructions related to job assignments, job procedures given in English

2. Dewatering Plant – Engineering, DWP & Pipeline Electrical Engineer
[Deadline : 29 April 2024]
Qualification :

  • Bachelors degree in an appropriate Engineering discipline with GPA 3.00
  • Have minimum of four (4) years related experience in engineering relevant to Electrical or Instrumentation and Control preferably in a Mineral Processing Industry. Desirable if it includes supervisory experience.
  • Must be able to work in a potentially stressful environment
  • Strong knowledge of analog and digital circuit design principles, including familiarity with communication networks, MCC, smart relays, Preferable with:
  • Experience with VFDs, PLC, HMI, and/or SCADA Control Systems
  • Experience working with low and medium voltages
  • Experience with AC and/or DC controls
  • Experience with instrumentation devices
  • Experience with diagnostic electrical test equipment
  • Strong analytical thinking, communication, leadership skills
  • May be required to use the following mobile equipment: light duty vehicles
  • Fluent in english both spoken and written
  • Ability to understand and apply verbal and written work and safety-related instructions related to job assignments, job procedures given in English

3.Geoengineering – Engineer Mine Closure & Surface Geotechnical #4
[Deadline : 19 April 2024]
Qualification :

  • S1 or S2 degree in Geology or Mining or Geotechnical or Civil or Geophysics engineering Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters) with 2-3 years experience on geotechnical/mining.
  • Have knowledge of basic theory of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering from university course work.
  • Be able to communicate & excellence coordinate with supervisor, multiculture teamwork and must be energetic & highly work ethic.
  • English for both oral and written.
  • Computer, such as VULCAN, AUTOCAD, and Mining Software (Deswik, Voxler, GIS, etc.).
  • Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Good understanding in practical mining engineering and geotechnical engineering software.
  • Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Have knowledge of basic theory of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering from university course work.
  • Be able to communicate with field people, lead subordinates, develop or train subordinates and must be energetic & willing to work in the field.
  • Analytical thinking, Strong communication skill; Project management skill; Presentation skill.
  • Other PTFI’s mandatory competencies.

4.GSC/ Purchasing/ Warehousing – Chief Engineer, Contracts # 1B
[Deadline : 29 April 2024]
Qualification :

  • S1 degree in Mining/Engineering with at least 5 years working experience in mining industry or related area.
  • Having a good knowledge and background in business analysis, procurement, supply chain management, contract negotiation skills, financial and cost analysis, mining operations, legal and tax matters.
  • Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Good contract negotiation skills.
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Other PTFI mandatory competencies.

5. Smelter Operation Readiness – Superintendent, Sales Operations Planning
[Deadline : 30 April 2024]
Qualification :

  • Bachelors degree in Business / Marketing / Information Technology / Administration / Management.
  • 5+ years of experience in Sales Manager / Sales Administration Manager / Sales Planning & Monitoring role
  • Have a strong leadership skill
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) experience is an advantage
  • Familiar with SAP System
  • Ability to develop and convey complex concepts to non-technical partners
  • Ability to budget and forecast operating plans
  • Wide sales coverage optimization (creation of analytics models)
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills.
  • Proficient in English; additional languages a plus

6.Smelter Operation Readiness – Supervisor Sales Operations Planning
[Deadline : 30 April 2024]
Qualification :

  • Bachelors degree in Business / Marketing / Information Technology / Administration / Management
  • 2+ years of experience in Sales Administration / Sales Planning & Monitoring role
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) experience is an advantage
  • Familiar with SAP System
  • Ability to develop and convey complex concepts to non-technical partners
  • Ability to budget and forecast operating plans
  • Wide sales coverage optimization (creation of analytics models)
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills.
  • Proficient in English; additional languages a plus

Link Pendaftaran:


  • Deadline 30 April 2024
  • Waspadalah terhadap oknum yang meminta sejumlah UANG kepada pelamar kerja dengan alasan administrasi, interview, pelatihan, penggantian uang tiket/akomodasi, pendaftaran ulang, pembayaran atribut dan lainnya karena itu modus PENIPUAN loker yang sering terjadi. Harap tidak melanjutkan proses jika menemukan kejanggalan dalam melamar pekerjaan. Terima kasih.

Demikian informasi lokerkalimantan Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia dari lokerpalangka.net. Terimakasih atas kunjungannya dan semoga bermanfaat.

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